Prior to starting my zero carb life style I had been praying to God for help. I was morbidly obese, I had shoulder, hip and knee pain on a daily basis. I was on blood pressure medicine and the doctor was trying to put me on a statin for cholesterol. I was depressed and worried that this was how I was going to spend the rest of my life. I was praying for answers to all of my problems.
I always strive to wake up with praise and thankfulness to God every morning. This keeps me focused on Him and not myself. But one morning in March 2021, I woke up remembering Kelly Hogan on the cover of Woman’s World. I believe this was my nudge from the Lord. He had put this in my mind and on my heart. I was almost startled by how clear this was to me, you have to realize those that are carb addicted live in a continuous brain fog. I remembered Kelly talking about not eating carbs and I wondered if I could do without carbs too? I decided to look up Kelly and get more information.
The Lord makes everything fall in to place and His timing is always perfect.
The week this all came about was a week I happened to have taken PTO to spend some time with my daughter, who was home on Spring Break. That day, Emily went to see her dad and I spent the entire day watching every YouTube video Kelly had ever made. If you’ve never watched one of Kelly’s videos you are really missing out, she is a hoot. I felt like I had learned so much and that I was ready to give zero carb a try. I started the very next day, on March 31, 2021 and I haven’t looked back.
As of today’s wrting I have been on this path for 6 months and 19 days. My joint pain is almost nonexsistent and I have never felt better. The doctor has taken me off my blood pressure meds and was thrilled with my weight loss so far. He also told me to keep up the good work. I’m so thankful to the Lord for showing me this way of life.
What about you? Are you looking for a change? Join me as I share my zero carb life with you.